Let’s talk best items from the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale in 2019.. This sale can be overwhelming so I am breaking down my top picks into just three categories this year.

These are items that are affordable and good basics to build into an outfit. Things like… solid sweaters for the cooler months (those are the only I reach for), plain mules (they work in so many temperatures), blazers (that are for work AND play), and demi boot jeans (this style is flattering and works great with sock boots).
A few of these items are ones that I already own and love. My oversized Quay aviator sunglasses that I wear allllll the time are included in the sale. I was thrilled! I can promise you they are a good buy! And the Ugg slippers are ones that I also have myself and wear every night around the house! Mine are tan and they run true to size. I also have that fuzzy fleece pullover. It’s perfect to wear around the house or when you run out on the weekends during the cold months because it’s super soft!

A few of these items might seem a bit random but they are all things that I think are worth the money. All things that you can use and use. Things that cost per wear make sense. It is a great time to buy outerwear, cashmere, boots if you need them! I chose carefully in those categories–no scarfs with tons of fringe (lately I feel like those have a messy feel), coats that are a longer length (on trend and practical) and no tan suede booties (that are so average). I also included the Neulash products in this group because my mom had such great results with the last serum that she bought last year!

I haven’t really ever bought jewelry from this sale before. I feel like a lot of it was costume statement earrings and fine jewelry in the past couple years. The oversized, colorful earrings were so overdone. And I have never thought Nordstrom was the place to purchase from for luxury jewelry items. However–this year the costume pieces are updated and on trend so they are worth checking out! Layering a few new minimal pieces into your look is an easy way to make your closet feel current! I am so into the items with the links right now–-SO GOOD.
These are the top items I recommend from the sale at first glance. Just remember–shop smart! Don’t buy just to buy. If you make an order, only get items you have a need for in your wardrobe!
If you want some shopping tips and tricks then read THIS POST.
&& if you want to see what exactly I bought this year then read THIS POST.
Enjoy your retail therapy! xx