So if you all are in the same boat as me and over summer clothes (see yesterday’s post), then my advice? Go back to the basics when picking an outfit for right now.
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Monday night we had dinner with my dad and I tried on a couple pairs of shorts and I just couldn’t do it. I was feeling so over it. So I just reached for some trusty, comfy denim and grabbed my most basic white top. When I am not feeling an outfit, then wearing something over the top makes it even worse. Usually, if I back it down and wear something VERY simple then I can deal. So–that’s my advice. If you are feeling blah about your wardrobe, but still need to dress for the season–just reach for your simple and basic pieces only. There’s no sense in making this too hard if you know you won’t be thrilled with the outcome no matter what, right?? fyi, my top is a super old one from Forever21 but this is a similar option. It is good to have ones like that in your closet for this time of year. They are breezy so if you want to go ahead and pair with jeans it’s doable. Oh, and lastly.. adding some new jewelry always helps too. These earrings have given me a boost!
Happy HUMP DAY! xx
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