Make no mistake, Black lives matter.
That is my belief and that is Ethan’s belief. We are trying our best to support the current movement, educate ourselves and encourage change.
I wanted to let you all in on some of the things I have been doing and focusing on in the last couple weeks.
– Conversation. Ethan and I have talked non-stop about this movement with each other and with our families, friends + coworkers.
-Requested our absentee ballots and voted. We realize this change starts at the voting booth.
-Signed petitions that support Black lives.
-Watched documentaries to educate ourselves. Several of the streaming services have highlighted great options. One tip I have is to save these to your ‘watch list’ so you have them to select from when you have time to sit in front of the tv.
-Found and followed several Black influencers. I am really loving seeing their content on my feed! It has actually been one the things that makes me excited to get on IG in the last couple weeks.
-Read, viewed and discussed content we’ve seen on IG. There have been so many helpful things posted that have shaped my understanding on what a privileged life I have had. One tip I have that works really well for me is to take a screenshot when you see something posted that is meaningful, intriguing or a good reference and add it to a folder in your Notes app. This way you will have things in one spot to go back to easily in the future.
-Listened more than talked. We know we can’t learn anything new if we don’t be quiet and listen and try to understand the problem more in depth and know what to change.
-Listened to relevant podcasts. I always have time in the car, so podcasts are perfect to consume.
-Saved a list of Black owned businesses, restaurants, etc. in our area so we can be aware of them and support the ones we are drawn to.
While I know that my voice is not the most important one that needs to be heard right now, I felt it was important to share exactly where I stand on this movement. I want to be clear that I am in 100% support and am actively trying (in my own way) to be a part of the change for the better. Black lives matter.
If you all have come across anything you’d like to share with me please send it my way!