I am a HUGE fan of low profile sneakers. I get so much use out of the pairs I have and my favorite brand, by FAR, is Golden Goose.

Golden Goose sneakers are pretty distinctive. They’re known for their street style design–often including things such as stars, glitter, suede, metallic, graphic laces and most always a worn in look that includes distressing.
It is a love or hate relationship for most, but I happen to LOVE them! Once you get used to them, they end up becoming a very neutral and versatile shoe.
They are designer so the price tag is STEEP. I [personally] think they are worth it because they are so comfortable + wearable. I don’t tire of them like I do other sneakers either so I would rather have one pair of these vs three pairs of others that I buy over the course of a year.
I have gotten a deal on both pairs of mine. I saved my birthday and Christmas money from my Granny last year and bought my first pair during a sale on the ssense.com site. (A great place to watch for designer items on sale, btw.)
The second pair I got from a closet sale Megan Runion did on Instagram. They were used but in perfect condition!
The sizing can be tricky–I am a size 7.5US and both of my Golden Goose sneakers are a 38EU.
I wear mine with no-show socks. You can shop the ones I have HERE.
When I am researching a new item to buy, I always look for examples of people wearing it before I pull the trigger. Here are some of the ways I have styled my Golden Goose sneakers in the past.
I still wear both of these pairs of sneakers, even years later. I take a pair of them with me every single time I travel too.
I recently bought a new pair of laces at the Golden Goose store in Hawaii. They are leopard print and have the Golden Goose name printed all over them. If you have a pair of these sneakers then I recommend getting an extra set of laces because it is a fun way to switch the shoes up and when I put mine in it felt like I had a brand new pair! I think I will get a black pair to have on hand next!
If I left anything out that you still have a question about then send me a message on IG or email. xx